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Easily, and accurately with Pay4Me's currency converter tool.

0.00 = 0.00

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Pay4Me supports a wide range of global currencies

Pay4Me supports a wide range of global currencies

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How to convert foreign currencies


Input your amount

Input the amount you want to convert.


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Nigeria: 5th Floor, Brassar's' place, 69 Admiralty way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos Island

United States: 9751 West Chinden Boulevard, Suite 100, Garden City, ID 83714

Pay4Me is a financial technology company making it easier for international students to pay their tuition and fees abroad. We offer our products and services in partnership with licensed money transmitters, financial technology companies (fintechs), and banking partners in their respective jurisdictions. All trademarks, logos, and brand names are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used on this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, trademarks and brands do not necessarily imply endorsement.

Virtual card services are provided through partnerships with duly licensed banking and financial technology partners, operating under licenses from Visa and Mastercard. All trademarks, intellectual property rights, and associated brand elements of Visa and Mastercard are the exclusive property of their respective trademark holders.

Study abroad loan services in Nigeria are offered in compliance with applicable state money lending regulations, under a valid State Money Lenders License, through our wholly owned subsidiary, Monivest Technologies Limited. Our in-house loan products and other study abroad loan products are facilitated through partnerships with licensed banks, fintechs, and financial technology companies, ensuring secure, accessible, and reliable lending solutions.

Savings and investment services in Nigeria are provided through our wholly owned subsidiary, Monivest Cooperative Multipurpose Society Limited, which is duly licensed and registered under the cooperative society laws of Lagos State, with registration number 19619. This entity operates in full compliance with Nigerian cooperative regulations, offering safe and legally regulated opportunities.

Pay4Me, Inc. is registered with FinCEN in the United States as a Money Services Business with MSB Registration Number: 31000231163752. Pay4Me, Inc. holds a pre-approved Money Services Business (MSB) registration with FINTRAC in Canada. Pay4Me also maintains a Special Control Unit against Money Laundering (SCUML) registration with the Economic Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria.

Disclaimer: Pay4Me, including its subsidiaries, is not a provider of legal, tax, immigration, or financial advisory services. These value added services are intended for general use and should not be construed as professional advice. Before using our value added services, please carefully review our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Fee and Refund Agreement. Nothing on our website constitutes legal, tax, or financial advice. For personalized guidance, we recommend consulting a licensed attorney, tax professional, or financial advisor.

Please note that certain Pay4Me App features or services may be restricted or unavailable in some jurisdictions due to local regulations and/or licensing requirements.

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