Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students's photoBy Ernest Emeka
Tue Jul 02 2024
Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

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Imagine travelling back in time as an international student beyond the world class-education universities experience abroad. Okay! You don't want to learn what happened in the past; what about exploring the future of food in Africa? We got you here. Studying abroad can be fun and exciting if you are immersed in a unique program with a renowned faculty abroad. 

Only a few students enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime experience in classes taught by pioneering professors. Below are some of the programs:

Canada: Big Knowledge in the Great White North

Canada is an international students' haven, seducing you with its welcoming atmosphere, beautiful landscapes, and low crime rate. Here is a list of Canadian universities that will impress your curiosity:

Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

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University of Waterloo: Design the Future 

Studying the "Quantum Information Processing" program at the University of Waterloo will allow you to attend the class of Professor Raymond Laflamme, a pioneer in quantum computing. The knowledge you gain will help you create a future of how you want technology to work.

University of Alberta:  Discover Dinosaur Secrets

World-renowned paleontologist Professor Philip Currie awaits you at the University of Alberta if you join the "Dinosaur Paleobiology" program. You can explore the world of the prehistoric giants by learning and analyzing fossils with the support of leading experts.

University of Toronto (UofT): Become a Master of Global Affairs

International students who want to take charge of global happenings can use the Munk School of Global Affairs. The one-year program offers students a concentration on "unconventional security threats" under the tutelage of Professor Stephen Toope.

Carleton University: Dive into Cold War History

Professor Janice Gross Stein is one of the leading experts on the Cold War at Carleton's Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. This stellar faculty can help you gain insights and make good decisions regarding peace conflicts and resolutions.

McGill University: Explore Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Forget your indigenous roots and become an expert in the Mohawk language and traditions at the "Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Language and Culture" program. You learn alongside the locals to understand the Mohawk's perspectives on sustainability.

United Kingdom: Beyond the Big Ben

 If you are coming to the United Kingdom to study abroad, you might want to overlook the big names like Cambridge. You don't have to struggle to discover these amazing universities because we have them here:

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Abertay University: Design Video Games for Social Impact

Coming to Abertay to study MSc Games Technology allows you to create games that can handle social challenges. We have leading professors in the field of "serious games" for social change who can help you with your ideas.

Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

University of London: Delve Into the World of Shakespeare

 As a student at the University of London, you can study MA in Shakespeare and Theatre" program under the tutelage of leading authorities on Shakespearean performance history. Students learn about the works of the Bard with a focus on textual analysis and performance. Here, you become a Shakespearean detective, unlocking timeless plays.

University of Glasgow: Travel through Time

Do you want to travel through time? You can do this at the Centre for Chronological Research at the University of Glasgow. You will study in the "Master of Arts in Time and Mind" program, where you can delve into the complexities of this fundamental aspect of life.

University of Central Lancashire (UCLan): Become a Master of Folklore (Witchcraft)

The University of Central Lancashire offers students something weird; "Master of Arts in Witchcraft, Magic and Society." Students learn how to explore the fascinating context of witchcraft. Professions like Professor Ronald Hutton can help you understand why people feel strange about folklore.

University of Dundee: Develop the Perfect Crime Scene

Dundee's "Forensic Science" program allows students to study the world of crime scene investigation (CSI). With the support of world-renowned forensic anthropologists like Professor Dame Sue Black, you can work on any high-profile case after graduation.

United States:  The Land of Fountain of Knowledge

The Field Museum in Chicago:  Bring Back The Past

Are you curious about the past? You may want to study at the Field Museum's "Master of Arts in Museum Studies" program. As you learn from experts like Dr. Paul Sereno and other world-renowned paleontologists, the past comes running to you.

Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

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Carnegie Mellon University: Become a Digital Detective 

Get equipped at CMU's "Master of Information Systems Security" program, where you learn how to tackle cybercrime. In this digital age, you can learn to save the world from cybercriminals at CMU.

Arizona State University: Design Sustainable Cities

International students can create sustainable cities in their countries when they graduate at ASU's "School of Sustainability," which them a "Sustainable Urban Design" program. You can learn how to develop solutions to the rapidly growing urbanization in the world and create environmentally friendly homes for people.

Pennsylvania State University: Craft Chocolate from Bean to Bar

At Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, you can study "Cocoa and Chocolate Science." Imagine what you can achieve after graduation as a student under leading experts in cocoa genetics. You can create your own delectable treats to suit your nation.

University of Wyoming: Explore the Wild West on Horseback 

Do you know that the University of Wyoming offers international students the "Rangeland Ecology and Management" program? The program offers you an opportunity to understand how to manage ranges and learn how to use the horses to your benefit.

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Australia: Learn With a Little Wildness

Nothing prepares you for what Australia has to offer you. This country got it for you whether you want a whisk of wildness or a solitary life. As an international student, you can consider any of these programs:

University of Queensland (UQ): Explore the Future of Food 

The future of food is something that the world is worried about. However, at UQ's "Master of Agribusiness" program, you can learn about innovative solutions for the future of food production. Food is wealth! Food is health! UQ offers you an opportunity to become an expert in sustainable agriculture.:

Top 20 Unique University Programs in the USA, UK, Canada & Australia for International Students

James Cook University (JCU): Become a Coral Reef Guardian

Suppose you want to study the interesting life of the marine world. In that case, you can join the  JCU's "Marine Turtle Ecology and Conservation" program, where you can understand how to care for endangered animals and support the preservation of coral reefs.

Charles Darwin University (CDU): Create a Career in Outback Management

 Students who want to stay behind in Australia can use the CDU's "Sustainable Rangeland Management" program. These students can learn how to manage the ecosystems of the Australian outback and develop solutions to use these ranges better.

University of Western Australia (UWA): Unearth Aboriginal Knowledge

The UWA's "Indigenous Studies" program helps international students learn about the Aboriginals' cultural practices and knowledge systems. In addition, they can better understand these people and their rich history.

Griffith University: Become a Wildlife Filmmaker

You will learn how to become a skilled wildlife filmmaker at Griffith's "Wildlife Documentary Filmmaking" program. You can study under award-winning wildlife filmmakers, who will show you how to take incredible photos and movies of this aspect of photography.

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