After 4 Failed Virtual Card Attempts, Pay4Me Saved My Udemy Purchases

After 4 Failed Virtual Card Attempts, Pay4Me Saved My Udemy Purchases's photoBy Esther Ebere
Fri Jul 26 2024
After 4 Failed Virtual Card Attempts, Pay4Me Saved My Udemy Purchases

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Meet James, a digital marketing professional who helps businesses boost their online presence and sales. Before his career in digital marketing, James was keen on gaining expertise in the field. He tried enrolling in various digital marketing courses on Udemy. However, making payments on the platform was a challenge. With four failed virtual card attempts, James shares how he navigated the challenge and discovered the Pay4Me App. 

In this short chat, learn how Pay4Me helped James complete his Udemy course purchase so he could take his digital marketing courses and enhance his skills.

After 4 Failed Virtual Card Attempts, Pay4Me Saved My Udemy Purchases

Hi James, what was your first encounter with Pay4Me? How did you hear about the app?

I wanted to learn digital marketing because I was switching careers. So I happened to go to Coursera and Udemy, but I could not pay. I have to do some research. Because I used my card, it didn’t work, I was researching other ways to pay. I kept researching until I stumbled upon your blog post after I’d wasted so much of my money trying to get virtual cards to purchase the course. When I stumbled upon your blog post on Udemy payments, I went through the guide and everything and downloaded the app. After downloading the app, I completed the verification processes and paid through your platform. The next morning, my payment was sorted, and I started taking my courses. So I was so happy that something I’d suffered for many weeks was finally resolved in hours. It had been almost two years that I've been trying.

So, for two years, you were searching for how to pay for your courses?

Yes. It was more than two years.

Wow, that was a long time…

It was kind of on and off. I would search then, but I was not taking it that seriously. But when I took it seriously, your platform gave me what I wanted. I had wasted money trying to get virtual cards, sometimes $10, $5, $4, not just one but many, and none worked for me. So, when this app worked, I told myself I would ensure everyone around me knew about them. 

Oh, that's so nice to hear…

Yes, your platform did it for me.

Okay, I would like to ask how many virtual cards you tried.

I tried many of them, including Chipper, Grey, and Cardtonic. Some of them are still on my phone, but none worked.

Wow. You said you were spending money on each of them. Can you tell us how much you were spending?

The first is 4 USD, the other 3 USD, and the other 10 USD, all within that range.

Also Read: How Pay4Me Helped Me Pay My Sevis Fee From Nigeria

How was your experience using the Pay4Me App?

My experience was great because I contacted the support team and asked how I could proceed with my KYC and payment. They guided me through everything, including navigation via email. 

How long did it take to complete your verification and pay for your course?

It was not up to 24 hours. The customer support team responded swiftly. As a matter of fact, their response was coming in within 10-15mins.

When you used the app, did it meet your expectations? Were you satisfied with the service?

My goal was to buy digital marketing courses on Udemy. So when I succeded in making payment through the app, I was so happy. Yes, the Pay4Me App exceeded my expectations.

Is there anything you think we could improve on the app?

For now, I don’t have any recommendations. The app just works fine, and I was able to use it for what I wanted. So, I don’t have anything in mind right now that needs improvement.

Great. Are you likely to use the app again?

Yes, I will. I still have courses I’d like to take. I’ll need Pay4Me to help me complete the purchases. Smiles… If I’m buying courses a thousand times, I’ll use Pay4Me for the payments because it always delivers.

Would you recommend the app to others?

Yes, of course. Right now, I’ve done some shoutouts and video reviews about the app on my social media pages. The app helped me, so why won’t I recommend it to others?

What’s the one thing that made you choose Pay4Me over the other alternatives?

You see, this is about customer satisfaction. I was looking for something, and they gave it to me. I’m just satisfied with that. Let me say that Pay4Me chose me because I was desperately in need of courses to buy and had been looking for ways to pay for them. I just said in my head, ‘Let me try this one, just like I’ve been trying so many others to see if it would work,’ and surprisingly, it worked. So, that was the one thing that made me love the app.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate Pay4Me?

I would say 9 

Laughs…Why 9 and not 10?

I rated the app 9 because nothing could be 100% perfect. 

Would you like to share anything else about finding and using the Pay4Me App for your Udemy purchases?

Nothing for now.

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Pay4Me enables instant cross-border tuition and fee payment for international students from Africa: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Cameroon, etc. As a student, you can send money and transact globally with Pay4Me. Download the app here.

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